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My Projects

Quasar v1 (Vue 2)

Quasar is a Vue based components framework that also provide an easy way to build cross-target applications (web, mobile - cordova/capacitor, desktop - electron).

Current version of Quasar is v2 (Vue 3), and the Quasar v1 (Vue 2) is considered EOL.

This is a still maintained version of the original Quasar v1 (Vue 2) that provides a lot of bug fixes and improvements.

Highlights of the features / fixes

This version will be supported for as long as I use it (so at least till the end of 2024).

  • Material Design Outlined style for form components (QField, QInput, QSelect)
  • touch directives are reactive
  • new Interactive plugin to manage events
  • new KeyGroupNavigation directive to manage TAB navigation in containers and roving navigation
  • improvements to lots of components (QSelect, QVirtualScroll, QMenu, QDialog, QTooltip, QTime, QDate, ...)
    • improved keydoard navigation for all components
    • improved scroll prevention when dialogs are displayed
    • improved menus / tooltips - better positioning on screen
    • improved Ripple directive
    • lots of improvements and fixes for QDate
    • great rendering speed increase for QVirtualScroll

On request paid support

If you need extended support / features / fixes for Quasar v1 please contact me for a paid support contract.

To use the modified version instead of the official Quasar v1:

  • in your package.json file add a key quasar inside dependencies section (or replace the existing one) with the value "
    • replace the version number with the latest one from the releases page
    • the versions are based on the official Quasar v1 releases, and the -beta.X is the internal release number for each official version number
"dependencies": {
  "quasar": "", 
  • reinstall the packages (yarn cache clean --pattern quasar && yarn / pnpm i)
  • no other changes are required

Quasar Play REPL

A Vue REPL for Quasar, featuring:

  • Quasar Framework v2
  • VueRouter
  • VueI18n
  • Pinia
  • JS and/or TS

You can create, share and save projects online in your browser.

Now you have no excuse for not providing a repro in case you have issus 😄

Vue Keyboard Trap

A Vue 3 and Vue 2 directive for keyboard navigation / TAB trapping - roving movement and trapping inside container that can greatly improve a11y in your applications.

Wordle Solver

A solver / helper for the Wordle game. Can be used as solver or as game, in both easy and hard modes.

SSL Certificate Manager

A desktop / electron application to inspect and validate SSL certificates.

Last updated: